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domingo, 7 de enero de 2018


Interesting infographic to say Hello to the year 2018. It deals with the innumerable benefits of playing musical instruments.

After watching this infographic answer the questions:



 GPA: grade point average,La media de la nota
Yield: Rendimiento
Iq:Test de inteligencia
Self -steem: autoestima
College-age: estudiante universitario
Like-minded people:grupos de personas con ideas afines,
Accountable; Responsable
Self-Reliance:autosuficiente, independiente, autónomo

Answer this questions:

1-What are the benefits of learning to play an instrument?
2-Why a musician brain is like an orchestra?
3-How does music affect the brain?
4-Why being a musician is good for your brain?
5-After taking music lessons, what did the students get?
7-What changes can we see in the brain of musicians?
8-How can playing a musical instrument help you?
9-What happens with the brains of the children after 15 months of musical training?
10 Why is different the brain of a musician?
11-What do scientists have found?

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