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lunes, 13 de diciembre de 2021


1-You have to write a story related to Christmas time. 2-Listen to the music carefully 3 times. You can write ideas, a draft firstly ( un borrador), and afterwards shape the writing. 3-Let's talk about the music, your impressions about it. 4-Let's listen to your stories 5-We can discover the music and the composer of it.

martes, 30 de noviembre de 2021

Carol of the bells, I am dreaming of a white Christmas

 Carol of the Bells by Pentatonix

Hark how the bells,

Sweet _________ bells,

All seem to say,

Throw _______ away

Christmas is here,

Bringing good ________,

To young and ________,

________ and the bold.

Ding dong ding dong

That is their song

With __________ ring

All caroling.

One seems to hear

Words of good cheer

From everywhere

___________ the air.

Oh how they pound,

Raising the ___________,

O'er hill and dale,

Telling their __________.

Gaily they ring

While people sing

Songs of good ____________,

Christmas is here.

Merry, Merry, Merry, Merry Christmas,

Merry, Merry, Merry, Merry Christmas.

On on they send,

On without __________,

Their joyful tone

To every home.

Ding dong ding dong

Ding dong ding dong

Hark how the bells,

Sweet ____________ bells,

All seem to say,

Throw ___________ away

(We will throw ___________ away)

Christmas is here,

Bringing good ____________,

To young and ___________,

I am dreaming of a white Christmas

I'm dreaming of a white Christmas

Just like the ones I ________________________________

Where the treetops glisten and _________________________

To hear sleigh bells in the snow

I'm dreaming of a white Christmas

With every _________________________ I write

May your days, may your days, may your days be _____________ and ____________

And may all your Christmases be white

I'm dreaming of a white Christmas

Just like the ones I ___________________________

Where the treetops glisten and _______________________

To hear sleigh bells in the snow

I'm dreaming of a white Christmas

With every _________________________ I write

May your days, may your days, may your days be _____________ and ____________

And may all your Christmases be white

Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way!

martes, 2 de noviembre de 2021

It's Christmas Time Again


It's Christmas Time Again




lunes, 1 de noviembre de 2021

How playing an instrument BENEFITS YOUR BRAIN

When you listen to music, multiple areas of your brain become engaged and active.

But when you actually play an instrument, that activity becomes more like a full-body brain workout.

What’s going on? Anita Collins explains the fireworks that go off in musicians’ brains when they play, and examines some of the long-term positive effects of this mental workout.



1-Neuroscientists get excited about watching the brain functions of musicians because?

2-Learning a musical instrument engages which different areas of the brain at the same time?

3-The bridge between the two brain hemispheres is called?

4-Learning a musical instrument teaches your brain how to create, ______ and retrieve memories more effectively?

5-Executive function is a series of interlinked tasks that includes planning, strategizing, and attention to ________.

6-Executive function is a complex combination of brain functions that requires analysis of both the cognitive and emotional aspects of a problem or situation. What type of complex problems of situations could you think of that would use your executive function capabilities?

7-Learning a musical instrument has been found to assist in our memory abilities. How does your capacity to remember facts, ideas, things you have seen and heard, impact on your ability to learn?

8-“Playing music is the brain’s equivalent of a full-body workout.” What could be some of the short and long term effects of keeping your brain in tip-top physical shape?


 MUSICAL FORM  is the structure of a musical composition

. If we listen to some music, we will probably distinguish different sections, ans some of them will be repeated in that music.

-All musical forms are based on repetition and contast.

-Repetition is the section we can hear more than once, and contrast is what is new and makes the difference.

-There are thousands of musical forms

-Some of thenare very complicated and long( symphony, opera, sonata...) we will start studying the easiest musical forms, which are RONDEAU, CANON ,THEME AND VARIATIONS AND SONG.

RONDEAU: Is avery old MUSICAL FORM.It is used in classical music and its structure is very simple.



CANON:MUSICAL FORM based on the principle of imitation.An initial melody is imitated and repeated by one or more groups of musicians who play the same thing but starting a bit later.

Iam sure you know this music: Its name is just CALLED  PACHELBEL'S CANON.It was composed by Pachelbel in the 18th century.


A theme is an important melody which is repeated or elaborated in a piece of music.The Variations are not changes in themselves, are repettitions in which the main theme is altered the rhythm, melody, harmony or timbre  or accompanied in a different manner each time it is repeated.

.In the following audition you will find a theme with variations based on the folia of Spain, one of the most widespread themes in Europe from the end of the 15th century:

martes, 19 de octubre de 2021

Sounds of the earth 1º

(Idea de Música Encriptada)

Si tuvieras que hacer una lista de reproducción con música para que un extraterrestre conociera la vida en el planeta Tierra... ¿Qué canciones incluirías?

If you had to make a music playlist for an alien to learn about life on planet Earth ... What songs would you include?


You can include photos of animals, happy people,  landscapes etc

miércoles, 13 de octubre de 2021


The Story of Music

task 1:




 The nine muses in a Roman sarcophagus (2nd c.)

task 2 :
 Research :
A-the nine Greek muses
B-Research the way of life.
D-Greek musical thought
E-Music features



The history of Western music begins in Ancient Greece. They understand music as an art of divine origins. The word "music" derives from mousiké that means art of the muses. 

Many legends of Greek mythology link music to the Gods. Music was thought to have magical powers that could cure illnesses and modify behaviours. That is why it was considered an essential discipline in the education of young people.

Music and creativity in Ancient Greece and answer the questions:
1-Accordingg to the video :What does our society use music for¿
2-What did they think about human creativity¿
3-Complet:An educated ,civilized person was expected to be proficient in..............................................................................
4-Complet:Ancient Grieeks considered music.................................................
5-Explain Ethos.
6-What did say Plato about the music¿
7-What doyou think Plato would say about the music you listen to¿


One of the few preserved fragments of ancient Greek music is the Seikilos Epitaph.

Seikilos Epitaph
1. Listen to the Seikilos Epitaph, one of the few fragments preserved of the music from Ancient Greece.
It appeared carved on a funerary pillar in Seikilos (Tralles). But far from being a mournful lament, it is a song that encourages us to enjoy our short lives.

Observe the most outstanding musical characteristics of this example:

 Performed by a female voice with accompaniment of instruments (kind of zills) and a lyre (plucked
 Use of a monodic texture with heterophonic accompaniment of instruments which introduce the
melody and repeat the last notes.

 Written in a Phrygian mode or D scale with a melodic range of an octave.

The Seikilos Epitaph is one of the few fragments of music with musical notation that remain from
Ancient Greece.
It appeared carved on a funerary pillar in Seikilos (Tralles) in Asia Minor. According to Giovanni Comotti “it is the result of the melomania of a musician who wanted to have a short composition carved on the memorial stone of his own grave”.

TASK:  "Crear contenidos"

Los alumnos que pasan de consumir contenidos a crearlos ellos mismos, esto le ofrece la oportunidad de mejorar los trabajos, aprender con profundidad los contenidos, aprender a buscar información y desarrollar algunas competencias básicas fundamentales en su educación. 

jueves, 7 de octubre de 2021


 Sound, noise and silence.

 Noise is usually defined as a unpleasant auditory experience, but this is a subjective definition. The difference between sound and noise is the sort of waves: sound waves are regular and noise waves are irregular.

Noise pollution (CONTAMINACIÓN ACÚSTICA) is produced when the sound volume is too loud. It’s a very common problem in our society and can be harmful to our health. Some of the causes of environmental noise are: transportation, industrial and construction activities, etc. Effects of noise on health include: hearing loss, sleep disorders, stress and aggressive behavior.

After watching the video answer and fill the gaps:

1-Hearing loss is the ............................  .......................cause of  disability across the world.

2-Which is one of the main reasons that  people have  hearing loss ?

3-According to the   Environmental   Protection Agency the best way to protect your hearing    is to limit noise levels to ....................decibels.
4-Experts agree that continued exposure to noise above ..................will eventually  harm your hearing   .
5-One of the worst  things about hearing loss is that ear  damage is..............
6-Most of us are born with .......................little hair cells in our ears.

7-These hair cells act as.............. ...........................

8-When the hair cells in the ear have been damaged, the brain ............. ............... the sound.

9-How can you prevent noise not hearing loss?

We want to develop our sensitivity to sound and to noise. 

1-In our classrooms we wrote all the sound we could hear around us.
Indoor, in the building and outdoor.

2-Then, we enjoyed the sounds outdoor, in the playground.

3-Students chose their favourites sounds.
Finally, we analized Noise Pollution using a test.

Test about Noise Pollution:(1-10)
1 . I pay attention to the noises I usually make.
2 . I avoid noisy places.
3 . I don´t raise my voice when I speak.
4 . I don´t do noisy behaviours at home or school.
5 . I respect my neihbours´ rights to silence.
6 . I lower the volume of my stereo, mp3, walkman, TV, headphones, earphones…
7 . I turn off the television during a meal when I am with my family.
8 . I try to avoid that my dog´s barking doesn´t disturb others. I advice my family not to speak loud or do noisy things.
9 . I know the law concerning noise in my city.
10 . I don´t use my car´s horn unless it´s an emergency.

La contaminación acústica, es decir, la presencia en el ambiente de un exceso de ruido, algo que trastorna su realidad y deteriora las condiciones de vida de sus habitantes, ya sean personas o animales.
.Noise pollution, that is, the presence in the environment of an excess of noise, something that upsets its reality and deteriorates the living conditions of its inhabitants, whether they are people or animals.

Lamentablemente, sus consecuencias negativas están muy infravaloradas, a pesar de que son graves y numerosas, sobre todo en países como España, que desgraciadamente está en la cima de la lista de los países más ruidosos del mundo, en el segundo puesto detrás de Japón.

Unfortunately, its negative consequences are greatly underestimated, even though they are serious and numerous, especially in countries like Spain, which unfortunately is at the top of the list of the loudest countries in the world, in second place behind Japan.

Con esta actividad conoceremos estas consecuencias negativas, con particular atención a las que afectan a la salud humana, y realizaremos algunas propuestas para intentar remediarlas, paliarlas o, aún mejor, prevenirlas.

With this activity we will learn about these negative consequences, with particular attention to those that affect human health, and we will make some proposals to try to remedy them, alleviate them or, even better, prevent them.


El producto final de este proyecto será un reportaje para un medio de comunicación, ya sea un periódico, una radio o una televisión. El formato del reportaje será acorde con el tipo de medio de comunicación elegido, respectivamente: un texto acompañado de imágenes y enlaces, un archivo de audio o un vídeo.

The final product of this project will be a report for a media ,can be a newspaper, radio or television. The format of the report will be in accordance with the type of communication medium chosen, respectively: a text accompanied by images and links, an audio file or a video.

El reportaje contendrá por lo menos:

  • una introducción que describa qué se entiende por contaminación acústica;
  • una serie de entrevistas a expertos/as sobre diferentes aspectos del tema en cuestión;
  • una serie de propuestas para solucionar, paliar o prevenir el problema y sus consecuencias negativas;
  • una conclusión que resuma las ideas más importantes tratadas en las entrevistas..

  •  The report will contain at least:
  • an introduction describing what is meant by noise pollution;
  • a series of interviews with experts on different aspects of the subject in question;
  • a series of proposals to solve, alleviate or prevent the problem and its negative consequences; 
  • a conclusion that summarizes the most important ideas covered in the interviews.


Formamos grupos de cinco personas . Form groups of five people.

Cada uno de los integrantes del grupo asumirá uno de los siguientes roles: Each of the group members will assume one of the following roles:

  • científico/a, que redactará la introducción y el cierre del reportaje; 
  • scientist, who will write the introduction and closing of the report.
  • periodista, que redactará las preguntas de las entrevistas y revisará las respuestas y las secciones inicial y final del reportaje para que queden integradas en un estilo suficientemente homogéneo; 
  • journalist, who will write the interview questions and review the answers and the initial and final sections of the report so that they are integrated in a sufficiently homogeneous style.
  • abogado/a, que será entrevistado y responderá a las preguntas relacionadas con los derechos y deberes de las personas y con las funciones y obligaciones de los poderes públicos en materia de ruido;
  • lawyer, who will be interviewed and will answer questions related to the rights and duties of people and the functions and obligations of the public authorities in the matter of noise.
  • médico/a, que será entrevistado y responderá a las preguntas relacionadas con las consecuencias del ruido en la salud humana, incluyendo algunas medidas para contrarrestar la contaminación acústica y sus efectos negativos;
  • doctor, who will be interviewed and will answer questions related to the consequences of noise on human health, including some measures to counteract noise pollution and its negative effects;

  • técnico/a, que, además de ayudar al periodista en lo que pueda, se encargará de los aspectos tecnológicos: búsqueda y edición de imágenes libres de copyright; maquetación y diseño web; grabación y edición de audio o de vídeo; etc.
  • technician, who, in addition to helping the journalist as much as possible, will take care of the technological aspects: search and editing of copyright-free images; layout and web design; recording and editing of audio or video; etc.

Algunas partes del trabajo se realizarán en clase. Para las demás, dependiendo de la tarea específica a realizar, es aconsejable reunirse presencialmente o utilizar alguna herramienta de trabajo colaborativo, como un documento de Google Drive compartido entre todos los miembros del grupo.




Para la evaluación se tendrá en cuenta tanto el trabajo del grupo como el individual de cada miembro. La calificación final de cada alumno/a se conseguirá calculando la suma de la puntuación obtenida en cada apartado según la siguiente rúbrica.

Dependiendo del rol asumido, cada miembro del grupo recibirá puntuación doble en uno de los apartados.


Tras haber realizado este proyecto ya sabes muchas cosas sobre la contaminación acústica y los daños que el ruido puede ocasionar a la salud y a la convivencia de las personas.

Ten muy en cuenta esos conocimientos, pues te ayudarán a proteger tu salud y la de los demás, además de respetar el derecho a la paz y al descanso de las personas que te rodean.

También te servirán para no olvidar nunca que, a pesar de que el ruido es invisible y de que la mayoría de sus consecuencias negativas suelen manifestarse a medio o largo plazo, cuidar tu oído y protegerlo de los ruidos es muy importante para que siga funcionando bien durante toda tu existencia, permitiéndote disfrutar de una buena vida social, de los sonidos de la naturaleza y naturalmente de la música también cuando seas mayor.

Recuerda que el buen ambiente sonoro es responsabilidad de todos y todas.

martes, 5 de octubre de 2021


 It is a "welcome" dance that has a very easy  lyrics .(Gracias a Maria Jesús por la foto)

FUNGA ALAFIA  is a greeting song and dance 
throughout parts of West Africa( Nigeria, Liberia, Senegal, Ghana...)

ALAFIA is a greeting and ASHE means something equivalent  to good   heatlh and peace be with you.


The song is often sung with gestures : touching the head, and extending the arms, the the lips , then the heart and finally showing empty sleeves.

These gestures symbolize greeting people with your THOUGHTS, with your WORDS, with your HEART and then assuring that you have no tricks up your sleeve, that you come in PEACE.

Funga Alafia es una canción y danza de saludo extendida por todo el oeste de África (Nigeria, Liberia, Senegal, Ghana...) Alafia es un saludo y Ashe significa algo equivalente a que tengas salud y paz.

 La canción se canta con gestos: tocando la cabeza y extendiendo los brazos, a continuación la boca, después el corazón y por último mostrando los brazos libres y limpios.

 Estos gestos simbolizan el saludo a la gente con sus ideas, con sus palabras, con su corazón y asegurando que no van a agredir con nada, que han venido en paz.


Body percussion and dance


martes, 21 de septiembre de 2021



In this lesson students will tell the teacher more about their musical background, interests, likes, dislikes, instrumental skills and more by choosing prompts( indicaciones) to respond to. 

Students will gather images, icons, write text, find videos or links to websites to illustrate your musical me facts and then present them in a digital format.

The software or app that you use to present your work is totally flexible. Use whatever you have! 

Musical Me Prompts

Here’s the list of prompts :

Students don’t need to answer every single question -choose 5-10 work well, and you can do more if you have time.

● The first concert I went to....

● Memorable live music performance

● Favourite composer and/or songwriter

● Performer that I would like to see live

● My favourite performer

● I am a total fan of...

● A musician I am in awe of is...

● A musician I would like to meet one day is...

● The instrument/s I play

● I love learning from...(name a music teacher, a music Youtube channel or a musician friend)

● An instrument I wish I could play

● An instrument that’s played by someone in my family

● A song/piece that calms me down

● A song/piece that motivates me

● The song that always gets stuck in my head

● My favourite musical genre (you can list more than one!)

● My least favourite musical genre

● Share a funny or inspirational music quote

● Did you know...? Share an interesting piece of music trivia

● The song that always gets me on the dance floor

● My favourite non-musical sound (birds, my baby brother/sister laughing, the wind in the trees,

the ocean, a sports car, my cat purring, something else?)

● An inspiring musical TED talk

● Your go-to karaoke song/s

● An artist you’ve discovered recently

● A favourite musical place

● Your secret musical talent or skill

● Before I was a music teacher I was...

● Share a funny music joke

● Favourite musical experience/s

● Something else? Be creative!

Choose a tech tool :

 Students can submit their Musical Me responses in any of these ways:

● as a simple static image that includes text, icons and pictures

● as a digital “poster” that features images, text, video, music and links

● as a video which features the student speaking to camera

● as a simple website which shows images, video, text and links

● as a presentation file which includes images, video, text and links.

.Here are some ideas:

● Padlet - students create an interactive digital poster which includes written text, images, embedded

videos and links. Padlet is a great option for this lesson since viewers of the Padlet board can click

through on included links and play videos and so on. See my Padlet example below

● Powerpoint,  or Google Slides - students can create a presentation file with one slide for each Musical Me prompt. They can include video, images, audio files, links and text

● Google Sites or Adobe Spark Page - create a mini website that includes videos, images, audio files,links, text.

●  Thinglink, Canva.