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lunes, 15 de marzo de 2021



1. A voice needs: vocal folds, a resonating space and…

a. Chocolate
b. A glass of port
c. Breath

2. Where is your larynx?

a. In my throat
b. In my boots
c. We don’t talk about that in polite society

3. In order to sing higher you have to…

a. Inhale helium
b. Vibrate your vocal folds faster
c. Engage your gluteus maximus

4. The sound comes out…

a. Of my mouth or nose (or both)
b. Only after 11am
c. Of the top of my head

5. Your diaphragm…

a. Can be felt by putting your hand on your abdomen
b. Can be felt by putting your hands around your waist
c. Can’t be felt from the outside

6. The diaphragm is used for…

a. Breathing in
b. Carrying the shopping
c. Birth control

7. The only thing in your vocal tract that doesn’t move is…

a. Your hard palate
b. Your larynx
c. Your eyebrows

8. Men’s vocal folds are…

a. Usually longer and thicker than women’s
b. Prepare to saying things they don’t mean
c. A complete mystery

9. Your voice will be healthier if every day you drink…

a. A litre of strong black coffee
b. A bottle of coke
c. About 2 litres of plain water


10. Most songs cover…

a. 1.5 octaves, that’s comfortable for me
b. 5 notes, small but perfectly formed
c. 5 octaves, I put all my whistle and creak notes into every song

11. Having a healthy voice means…

a. You can sing higher and louder than anyone else in your country
b. You can express yourself clearly without getting a tired voice
c. You have your own YouTube channel

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